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You play him as a character who sees unicorns." On Talking Saul, McKean described how he played Chuck by saying, "If you are a playing a character who thinks he sees unicorns, you don't play him as a character who thinks he sees unicorns.


This just CAN'T be the end - I need a season! I need to find out what happens to Kim and her Ponytail of Determination! I need to see Saul take his new Cadillac through A1 Car Wash and have a token given to him for his car wash professional by Walter White! I need to see Mike do.anything Mike does! And my guess is that is the last bit of humanity we will see from Jimmy/Saul. Jimmy.oh,Jimmy.I am kinda glad you redeemed yourself with sweet Irene. Seriously - save everyone time and anguish.THROW that Emmy at McKean NOW! He was just transcendent this season - it's really difficult to portray 'pants-on-head' crazy as understatedly as he well as to put your character is a situation that should have been filled with such sympathy from the audience, yet it appears most of us were, rightfully so, thinking 'ya did this to yourself, jackass.' This season has just been a shining light for McKean, and I hope he gets his work rewarded. Jimmy, though more excitable about money, changed course also when his love for Kim made his realize what's important in life. She was being reckless without knowing it - contrasting to Jimmy's recklessness, where he knows he's hurting someone - but she had ability and resolve to change. Kim clearly realized her drive and work ethic could have killed someone. Given her skittish about faces a few times, it appears they are making it up as they go along. One of these is they had no idea how much they would love Rhea's Kim. Gould was very clear about Kim on a couple of fronts. She would figure out pretty quickly that the difference she could make as an in-demand corporate attorney earning hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollar would be exponentially greater than if she basically became a public defender. She worked far too long and endured much too much to pack it in before becoming comfortable materially. Kim would never have thrown away the second chance with Gatwood. The near-death of Kim would only have cemented in Jimmy that he could never risk losing her because of money. Jimmy was too far gone to recant the Irene treachery and forfeit the million dollars in-hand. I also believe there were significant character missteps with Jimmy and Kim. Probably left it all to electromagnetic sensitivity research. I can't imagine CHuck not having a will or that he left a penny of his money to Jimmy.

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But he certainly used her and destroyed her friendships. In fact if not for him, she would not be in a position to get a large pay out from the legal case. Even though he was a character I never truly liked  I have great empathy for someone who suffers from mental illness. May he win an Emmy for his role in BCSĬhuck final descent into madness was disturbing. Michael Mando stole the season with his incredible acting. When he loses her, he'll no longer have a conscience, or a reason to care about anyone. Kim is the last and final piece to Jimmy McGill. I immediately said out loud, "That was cold-blooded." By far, one of the best scenes of the night. Kim's words may have finally sunk in.Ĭhuck telling Jimmy that he never meant much to him was like a knife to the heart. It was interesting that Jimmy said he never had an interest in fighting the good fight or changing the world and said, "That was more of a Chuck thing." I think this shows something of a shallowness in Jimmy and perhaps shows that Chuck might have once been a much better man than the one we see. The Atticus Finch talk makes me think she is disillusioned with the type of law she is practicing and wants to do something more "important". Francesca seemed very surprised that she chose to blow it off, though that could also be because she knows what a driven workaholic Kim is (was). She clearly needs time to heal, but I got the feeling she could have quickly wrapped up the Gatwood matter and then rested up. She is giving herself time to heal, and then she will return to her simplified practice. I think that she finally realized that if she didn't take a break, she would be caught up on the crazy cycle of all work/no sleep, and the same thing would likely happen again. Even Chuck ultimately did not want to destroy what he had built once he knew that he was being bought out so he went along with the charade up to a point.

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Only the partners knew of the threatened lawsuits. I think Howard was trying to preserve the firm's reputation by making it appear that Chuck was voluntarily retiring.

Better call saul s03 e10 lantern download